The barcode scanner performs the function of automatic identification of goods, documents, and other objects. Reads the label and transmits the information to the computer. A necessary thing when automating your business.

It simplifies cash and warehouse accounting and speeds up the process of receiving goods and sales at the checkout.

You need to choose a barcode scanner based on the specifics of your business. Consider the following parameters:

  • Barcode format
  • Reading speed
  • Reading range
  • Maximum and minimum barcode size
  • Average number of checks and goods per day
  • Ability to read information from the phone
  • The level of protection of the case

Depending on the purpose, linear one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) barcodes are used. If you need a scanner to automate a retail area, a one-dimensional reader is sufficient. 2D is used for receiving and issuing goods in warehouses, creating logistics schemes, etc.

1D look like a string of vertical lines and spaces of different widths. They are read-only in a horizontal position. They contain 20-30 characters, for example, the article or serial number of the product.

2D reads two-dimensional codes – horizontally and vertically. They consist of lines located in different directions and have pronounced pixels. They can be read from any angle.

These include multidimensional and matrix codes. They store a large amount of data – up to 4000 characters.


They are classified by purpose:

  • Handheld scanners
  • Wireless scanners
  • Stationary scanners
  • Devices for price control
  • Slot readers

LED barcode scanners:

A device with a low cost. Reads information using LED emission.

Laser barcode scanners:

The reader is a laser. It has a good level of performance. There are models for which the reading angle is not important, and the distance can reach several meters. They are divided into single-plane and multi-plane. They differ in the number of scanning beams in different planes. This has a direct impact on the reading angle and gripping speed of the barcode label.

Image scanners or photo scanners:

They are distinguished by their speed, accuracy, and reliability. It reads both one-dimensional and two-dimensional codes. The principle of operation is to take a picture of an item, so barcode scanners can easily cope with low-quality or damaged images.


On our website, you’ll find the right scanner for your needs, taking into account all the characteristics you need.